Conversational chatbots with live data: precise answers along the buyer journey thanks to RAG

4 min read
15.08.2024 08:45:25
Conversational chatbots with live data: precise answers along the buyer journey thanks to RAG

In a world where customers expect instant and accurate answers, companies can no longer afford to rely on outdated, rigid systems. This is where the latest technological development comes into play: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). This technology combines the best of both worlds - real-time information retrieval and advanced text generation - to create chatbots that are smarter, faster and more accurate than ever before. And that's not just a technical advance, it's a real game changer for marketing and sales.

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What is Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)?

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) optimizes the output of a large language model so that it references a relevant knowledge base outside of its training data sources before generating an answer.


Source: Leonie Monigatti

Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on huge amounts of data and use billions of parameters to generate original output for tasks such as answering questions, translating languages and completing sentences. RAG extends the already powerful capabilities of LLMs to specific domains or an organization's internal knowledge base without having to retrain the model. This is a cost-effective approach to improving the results of LLMs so that they remain relevant, accurate and useful in different contexts.

The challenge of the buyer journey

Imagine you are a potential customer in the middle of their buyer journey. You have questions that need to be answered quickly and accurately to persuade you to make a purchase decision. Traditional chatbots, which are based on pre-programmed answers, often reach their limits here. They offer generic answers that rarely hit the mark. This is exactly where RAG technology comes in and makes the difference.

With RAG-supported chatbots, typical questions in the buyer journey are not only answered faster, but also more precisely. Whether it's detailed product information, prices or availability - these chatbots access external data sources in real time and provide answers that are precisely tailored to the customer's needs. No waiting, no back and forth - the relevant information is available immediately and is integrated directly into the conversation.

The boost for marketing and sales

Why is this so important for marketing and sales? Conversational chatbots with live data give marketing and sales a decisive advantage because they answer the typical questions in the buyer journey reliably and precisely.

Because it's not just about speed, but about accuracy and personalization. A well-informed customer is more likely to make a purchase decision, and the more precise the information, the higher the conversion rate. RAG chatbots offer exactly that: they answer the questions that really matter, and with a quality that previously seemed unattainable.

This technology allows marketing and sales teams to further refine their strategies and create truly personalized experiences. With the right data, chatbots can not only recognize current needs, but also predict future trends and proactively provide customers with the right offers. The result? Increased sales and more satisfied customers.

The B2C example in tourism: the little helpers in action

A prime example of the use of RAG chatbots can be found in the tourism industry. Here we have worked on a number of projects for the best-known Swiss tourism regions, which show how flexible and powerful this technology already is today. These clever little helpers can plan the perfect vacation - from child-friendly hikes to the best restaurants with vacancies to the ideal hotels. Even in bad weather, suitable indoor events are available, which the chatbot recommends in real time.

This is not a distant dream, but already a reality. Today, customers in the tourism industry experience travel planning that is so personalized that it almost feels like a conversation with an experienced travel consultant. And all this without human intervention, but solely through the power of RAG-supported chatbots. This flexibility is an impressive demonstration of how far this technology has come and how it will influence the future of marketing and sales. Check it out on In general, there are also differences in LLMs as to which are more suitable for vacation planning. Listen to the Heise podcast on this. As a final example, you can find a trained model on the topic of marketing and sales automation on Marc Gasser's website.


Conversational chatbots with live data, powered by RAG technology, are not just another tool in the marketing and sales arsenal, but a real game changer. They offer a new dimension of interaction in which customers receive fast, precise and personalized answers to their questions.

At a time when customer experience can make the difference between success and failure, RAG chatbots offer exactly what companies need: a boost for marketing and sales that translates directly into higher conversions and happier customers. The future is now - and it speaks with live data.